思考連結詞C |
2020年7月15日 皆様、KVC Tokyo 英語塾 塾長 藤野 健です。 思考の流れをつなぐ表現の解説の第3回目です。 以下コラム執筆の為の参考サイト:https://dictionary.cambridge.org/ja/dictionary/english/OKの語源https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK_(表現)https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/OK牧場の決闘https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/ララミー牧場 |
in addition (to)・as well (as): 〜に加え、〜もまた、更に、その上*<付け加えるに>などど訳さないで下さい! 添え物、おまけ的に加える意味はありません。In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.マンハッタンのアパートに加え、彼はイタリアに別荘とスコットランドに城も持って居る。= IHe has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland as wel l as his apartment in Manhattan.= He has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland adding to his apartment in Manhattan.Have you got any savings in addition to your savings account at the bank?銀行口座に加えて何か預金をお持ちですか?In addition, the hotel is very near to the Tokyo station.その上、そのホテルは東京駅からとても近い= Moreover, the hotel is very near to the Tokyo station.= Additionally, the hotel is very near to the Tokyo station.*in + 名詞 = 副詞 となる例は多々あります。cf. to say nothing of= and in addition there is 〜は言うまでもなくIt would be an enormous amount of work, to say nothing of the cost.ゼニは言うまでも無く手間も非道く掛かりそうだ。= It would be an enormous amount of work as well as the cost.furthermore(formal)・in addition; more importantly: その上、更に重要なことに= moreoverThe house is beautiful. Furthermore, it's in a great location.家は美しいし、更にロケーションが抜群だ。I don’t know what happened to Roberto, and furthermore, I don’t care.ロベルトに何が起きたのかは知らないし、更に興味もない。Furthermore, different types of defeasible information may also interfere with each other during the reasoning.更に、無効に出来る異なるタイプの情報が、証明中に互いに干渉し合う可能性がある。Furthermore, since they were involved in the wholesaling of rice and fertilizer, they could not necessarily be recognized as retailers.更に、彼らは米と化学肥料の卸売りに関与していたので、必ずしも小売業者としては認められなかった。as well (as)・in addition (to): 〜に加えて、〜もまたInvite Emily - and Scott as well.エミリーを招待して、それとスコットもね。I want to visit Andrew as well as Martin.私はマーティンに加えアンドリューも訪ねたい。He went down in my estimation when he started trying to be a singer as well as an actor.彼が俳優に加え歌手になろうとし始めた時に、私は評価を下げた。cf. go down in value値打ちが下がるThe museum has many works by Picasso as well as other modern painters.この博物館は他の近代画家に加えピカソの作品を多く蔵している。As well as writing the script, he directed the film.映画の脚本を書くに加え彼は監督も務めたIt's not all my fault, Simon was there as well.それは全部が僕の落ち度じゃあない。サイモンもそこに居たんだ。cf.may as well do A (as B)(Bより)Aする方が良い。cf. might as well do A (as B)(Bより)Aする方が良いかも。much/still lessidiom・used to make a negative statement stronger:否定の表現を更に強く述べる まして〜など無い= let alone= to say nothing of, not to mention (これら2つは良い事にも悪いことにも利用出来ます)At the age of 14 I had never even been on a train, much less an aircraft.14歳になっても私は列車に乗った経験が無かった。ましてや飛行機などはない。= At the age of 14 I had never even been on a train, not to mention an aircraft. |
nayadverb (EVEN MORE) formal・used to introduce a second and more extreme phrase in a sentence when the first phrase was not strong enoughいやそれどころかIt is my pleasure, nay (my) privilege, to introduce tonight's guest speaker.今夜のゲストスピーカーをご紹介出来ることは、私の喜び、いや特権でさえあります。never mindidiom informal・used as a way of emphasizing that, although a particular thing is true, the one you have just mentioned is more important or interesting:《口語》 …は言うまでもなく, …どころではなく= to say nothing ofThis is one of the best restaurants in the Northeast, never mind Boston.ボストンに於いては言うまでもありませんがノースイーストで最高のレストランの1つです。nowadverb (会話表現)・used in statements and questions to introduce or give emphasis to what you are sayingこれから言おうとしていることを導入する、或いは重きを置く、さてと、ほらNow, where did I put my hat?さてと、何処に帽子を置いたっけ?There was a knock at the door. Now Jan knew her mother had promised to come by, so she assumed it was her.ドアにノックがあった。さてとジャンは母が遣ってくると約束していたことを知っていたので母だろうと思った。Hurry, now, or you'll miss the bus!ほら急いでよ。バスに遅れるよ。Sorry, I can't today. Now if you'd asked me yesterday, I would have said yes.済まん、今日は出来ないよ。いやぁ昨日頼まれていたなら(その時)イエスと言っただろうけれど。now thenidiom・said to attract attention to what you are going to ask or suggest:これから尋ねる或いは示唆しようと思っている事に注意を引くNow then, what's all this noise about?ええっと一体、この騒音はなんだい?OKexclamation (ACTION) (informal)・used as a way of showing that you are going to take action or start something new:何かこれから行動を始めることを示す表現法、それじゃあ〜するかOkay, let's go.それじゃあ行くか。Okay then, if you're ready we'll start.それじゃあ準備できたら出かけるぞ。cf. OK には形容詞、副詞で、大丈夫だ、好調だ、all right の用法があります。*oll korrect (=all correct の表記ゆれ) が語源だとの説があります。The personal computer is working O.K.= The personal computer is working all right.パソコンは好調に動いている。Is this suit OK to wear to a formal party?フォーマルなパーティにこのスーツは大丈夫かい?She's been OK since the operation.彼女は術後ずっと調子が良い。*九州弁のヨカと同じで便利な表現です! |
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